It has been a very rich and exciting year for Cigale and a new release was long overdue. This wait was really worthwhile and this new version 0.12.0 comes with numerous improvements of all sorts. Among the many notable changes:
- Dust templates generated with THEMIS (Jones et al. 2017) have been contributed by the DustPedia team (Davies et al. 2017). Special acknowledgement to Angelos Nersesian and Frédéric Galliano for creating the dust templates and writing the corresponding module.
- High resolution BC03 models have been added. They can be activated when building the database by adding –bc03res=hr.
- It is now possible to compute the models by blocks when there is not enough memory to compute all of them in one go. There is only a very marginal slowdown.
- The rapid evolutionary phases of stellar populations lasting less than 1 Myr should now be better captured.
- It is now possible to compute additional properties such as the bolometric stellar luminosity.
- Small speed optimisations should make models ~1% faster to compute.
In addition there have been a some under-the-hood modifications in preparation for the new great things coming to Cigale in the next months. Stay tuned!
The development of this new version of Cigale was partially supported through grant FONDECYT REGULAR 1170618.