Version 2025.0

After over 2.5 years old development, we are happy to release a brand new version of CIGALE. There are many bug fixes and improvements and optimizations, making it better and faster all around. In particular we would like to highlight the following:

  • The filters have been completely overhauled. They now follow a consistent naming scheme indicating the observatory and instrument (e..g, jwst.nircam.F200W). They also come, for the vast majority of them, from the Filter Profile Service and new filters have been added (e.g. for the Roman and Euclid observatories). The pcigale-filters list command has been greatly improved for clarity, filters being listed by observatory in separate tables. To ease the search of specific filters, strings can be appended to only output filters containing these strings (e.g. pcigale-filters list spitzer wise will only display the filters of these two observatories). Likewise the pcigale-filters plot has been improved and it can now plot different filters on a single plot.
  • It is now possible to use the Charlot & Bruzual (2019) models as well as the BPASS 2.2 models. Note that due to their size, the data files themselves are not provided with the release but can easily be downloaded from the respective websites.
  • The documentation of the pcigale.ini file has been improved for better clarity. Likewise, the information output on the terminal has been clarified and made more explicit and synthetic.
  • The computation of line equivalent widths is now more flexible, allowing to reproduce much more closely how this is done on observed spectra.
  • The cosmology has been updated from WMAP7 to Planck 2018.

It is recommended to use a recent version of Python, it has been tested with version 3.12 and 3.13. However it should also work with older version (at least ≥3.9). As usual it is very strongly recommended to regenerate any pcigale.ini file with this new version.

Download CIGALE 2025.0

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